Data Center Terms of Use

The Guttmacher Institute Data Center Website with its home page at (the "Data Center Website") is the data portal and information service offered by the Guttmacher Institute (“Guttmacher”), a leading authority on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States and worldwide.

Visitors are encouraged to use information on the Data Center Website, and if you do so, you agree to the following Terms of Use:

(1) Your Use of Content. The following terms apply to your use of the Data Center Website’s “Content,” which includes without limitation all data, information, text, graphics, graphs, images, charts, tables, and materials:

(a) Use. You may freely copy, distribute, publish, display, and otherwise use Content on the Data Center Website, with proper attribution to Guttmacher. You may prepare, publish, and distribute derivative works based on the Content, with proper attribution to Guttmacher. You may allow others to copy, distribute, publish, display, use, and prepare derivative works based on, the Content as long as you require others using the Content to provide proper attribution to Guttmacher.

(b) Attribution. You must attribute Data Center Website Content to Guttmacher using the formats shown below. Others you allow to use Data Center Website Content must provide the same attribution to Guttmacher.

(i) Academic/research/scholarship purposes – preferred attribution format. If you are using the Content for academic, research, or scholarship purposes, or when a full citation is appropriate, Guttmacher recommends attribution in the following format, or such similar format as applicable to, or required by, an academic, scholarly, or research institution or publication:

Include full citation for the published research as found in the “Sources” section below each data table, map, or figure on the Data Center Website.

(ii) All other uses – minimum attribution statement. All other users of Content (including, without limitation, media, social media, and educational uses) must attribute Data Center Content to Guttmacher using the format shown below, at a minimum. Others you allow to use Data Center Website Content must provide the same minimum attribution to Guttmacher:


Guttmacher Institute,

(c) Restrictions on Use. You may not, nor may you permit, authorize or encourage others to, alter any underlying data or data points. You must retain the “Notes” included in any table, graphic, or other Content.

(d) Other Potential Restrictions. You must abide by any and all additional copyright notices, information, or restrictions contained in the Content, if applicable to any Content.

(e) No Affiliation. You may not use the Content in any way that creates an impression of affiliation, endorsement, partnership, or sponsorship with or by Guttmacher, in any manner that defames or disparages Guttmacher, or in any way that is deceptive or misleading.

(f) Discontinue Use. You must immediately discontinue use of any Content or other parts of the Data Center Website if requested to do so by Guttmacher.

(2) Copyright. All Content on the Data Center Website is owned by Guttmacher or its affiliates, partners, or third-party licensors and is protected by copyright under U.S. copyright laws, international conventions, and other copyright laws. The Data Center Website is protected by copyright as a collective work or compilation.

(3) Accuracy and Currency of Data. To the extent possible, scientific information included in the Data Center Website is from published materials authored, produced, and distributed by Guttmacher or from data collected and maintained by Guttmacher; has undergone extensive review; appears with the most recent publication date; and contains references and citations for source materials. In most cases, methodological information can be found in the research source materials. Guttmacher strives to provide the most current and accurate data on a range of issues related to sexual and reproductive health, behavior, and public policy, and is committed to promptly correcting any errors on its part, so Guttmacher periodically incorporates, without notice, revisions, updates, and improvements to the Data Center Website Content according to the sources’ availability but undertakes no obligation to do so. Guttmacher does not dispense legal, medical, or other technical advice on the Data Center Website. If you have any questions regarding research methods or findings or would like clarification, please contact:

(4) Third-Party-Resources Disclaimer. The Data Center Website may contain links and pointers to other related Internet sites and resources. Links to and from the Data Center Website to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by Guttmacher or its affiliates or partners of those sites or their contents.

(5) Limitation of Liability. Guttmacher is not liable for your use of the Data Center Website (including, without limitation, the Content and any errors in the Content), which is at your own risk. Guttmacher is not liable for any damages (including, without limitation, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages; lost profits; or damages resulting from lost data or business interruption) resulting or arising from your use of, or inability to use, the Data Center Website, or sites linked to or from the Data Center Website, no matter the cause of action or legal theory, and whether or not Guttmacher was advised of the possibility of those damages.

(6) Disclaimer of Warranties. Guttmacher provides the Data Center Website, including without limitation its Content, features, and technical processes, on an “as is” basis. Guttmacher, its affiliates, and its partners make no warranties, including without limitation noninfringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, or that the Data Center Website’s Content, features, or technical processes will be reliable, uninterrupted, accurate, or free from errors, defects, security risks, viruses, or other harmful components.

(7) Changes to the Data Center Website. Guttmacher may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the Data Center Website at any time, including the availability of any Data Center Website Content or feature.

(8) Changes to Terms of Use. Guttmacher has the right, in its sole discretion, to change, add, or remove any portion of these Terms of Use at any time. Notification of changes in these Terms of Use will be posted on the Data Center Website.

(9) Indemnification. You must indemnify Guttmacher, its affiliates, and their directors, officers, agents, employees, legal advisors, information providers, licensors, and licensees (collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against all liability and costs, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and expenses, incurred by the Indemnified Parties in connection with any claim arising out of your breach of any term of these Terms of Use. You must cooperate as fully as reasonably required in the defense of any claim. You must not settle any matter without the written consent of Guttmacher. Guttmacher may, at its own expense, assume control of the defense of any indemnifiable claim.

(10) Choice of Law; Jurisdiction. New York State law applies to all matters arising under or relating to these Terms of Use without regard to its conflicts-of-laws provisions. Exclusive jurisdiction for any action or proceeding arising out of or related to these Terms of Use is in an appropriate state or federal court in New York State.

(11) Administrative Terms. These Terms of Use constitutes the entire agreement between Guttmacher and you with respect to your use of the Data Center Website. If for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any term of these Terms of Use to be unenforceable, that term must be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, so as to effect the intent of these Terms of Use, and the rest of these Terms of Use continue in effect.

(12) Contact Information. You may contact us through any of the following ways:

By Email:

General inquiries:

Technical support:

By Mail:

125 Maiden Lane, 7th Fl., New York, NY 10038, USA

By Phone:

General inquiries: (212) 248–1111


October 11, 2019