In the interest of transparency and reproducibility, the Guttmacher Institute makes certain data collected for bodies of research available to the public. These data include Guttmacher-produced estimates and compilations of raw data from external sources on a range of topics in the area of sexual and reproductive health (SRH). They include data from surveys of reproductive health care providers and individuals around the world.
Select data sets are available on the Open Science Framework (OSF) and contain data used in analyses that may not be available in our published reports. These include:
Adding It Up
The Adding It Up project examines the need for, impact of and cost of fully investing in sexual and reproductive health care (contraceptive services, maternal and newborn care, abortion services and treatment for the major curable STIs) in low- and middle-income countries.
- Adding It Up All Women Data Set—a subset of source data, intermediary data and final indicators at the country level for women aged 15–49
- Adding It Up Adolescent Data Set—a similar set of indicators for adolescent women aged 15–19
- Adding It Up Detailed Costing Data Set—a detailed breakdown of costs associated with sexual and reproductive health care interventions
Abortion Worldwide
The Institute’s work around abortion worldwide, authored in collaboration with the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction (HRP), examines incidence by women’s income and by the legal status of abortion, from 1990 to 2019. The project provides global and regional estimates, as well as country-level data.
- Global Abortion Incidence Data Set—all publicly available abortion data for 1990–2018, as well as information on data sources and quality, representing the first global compilation of national-level abortion incidence data
Pregnancies, Births and Abortions in the United States
The Institute compiles comprehensive statistics on the incidence of pregnancy, birth and abortion for people in all reproductive age-groups in the United States at the national level (1973–2017) and state level (1988–2017).
- Pregnancies, Births and Abortions in the United States: National and State Trends by Age Data Set—U.S. national and state pregnancy, birth and abortion incidence data
Notes: These data are free to use—no registration or permissions are required. However, a citation should be included if the data or supporting resources are included in or support any published materials. Questions about individual data sets should be directed to More data sets from past research are available upon request. Questions about bodies of work or Guttmacher research in general should be sent to
The Guttmacher Data Center provides custom tables and maps for regions and countries, as well as for U.S. states and counties.