Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) Laws
Jurisdiction Any TRAP law Facility structural requirements  Arrangements with local hospitals 
Any structural standards comparable to those for surgical centers Procedure room size  Corridor width  Transfer agreement with hospital required Admitting privileges with hospital required Maximum distance to hospital for transfer agreements or admitting privileges 
Alabama (total ban)     
Arizona    30 miles (for surgical abortions only); no distance specified for medication abortion but admitting privileges are required) 
Arkansas (total ban)  X (requires physicians involved in providing medication abortion to be able to facilitate transfer or have a signed agreement with a physician who can)  30 miles from a hospital that provides gynecologic or surgical care 
Florida    X (physician must either have admitting privileges or there must be a written transfer agreement with a hospital within reasonable proximity to the clinic) X (physician must either have admitting privileges or there must be a written transfer agreement with a hospital within reasonable proximity to the clinic) reasonable proximity to the clinic 
Indiana (total ban)   X (physician must either have admitting privileges or must have written agreement with a physician who has written admitting privileges at a hospital in the county or contiguous county that are renewed annually) X (physician must either have admitting privileges or must have a written agreement with a physician who has written admitting privileges at a hospital in the county or contiguous county that are renewed annually) in the same county as or in a contiguous county to the facility where the abortion is performed 
Kentucky (total ban)     
Louisiana (total ban)    X (held invalid prior to Dobbs30 miles (held invalid prior to Dobbs
Mississippi (total ban)   
North Carolina*       
North Dakota     X (privileges must include abortion procedures the physician will be performing at abortion facilities) 30 miles from a hospital where the abortion provider has privileges to replace on-staff physicians at that hospital
Ohio   X (required for ambulatory surgical facilities, which include abortion facilities)   
Oklahoma (total ban)     
Rhode Island* X (specific to facilities that provide procedural abortion in settings where inhalation anesthesia is used)      
South Carolina X (requires that doors leading to the procedure room be a certain size)    
South Dakota (total ban)     
Texas (total ban)       
Wisconsin     30 minutes 
Wyoming XX   X10 miles
Total 24 15 

Notes: Table includes only those jurisdictions with policies relevant to this topic in effect; it includes states that have TRAP laws that do not fall into the two categories of focus. States with total abortion bans are labeled; TRAP laws in those states are technically in effect but are enforceable only when an abortion is allowed under an exception to the total ban. The table generally reflects the wording of state statutes. 

*Different aspects of the TRAP laws apply based on when in pregnancy the care is being provided.

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