Table 1. Counseling Topics and Waiting Period Requirements for Abortion

JurisdictionWaiting period (hours)Two tripsDescription of procedureAbortion cannot be coercedFetal developmentFetal painFetus considered a person
Alabama (total ban)48 XXX  
Alaska  X *X (written)* 
Arizona24XXX (verbal, signage)X  
Arkansas (total ban)72XXX (written, signage)X* 
Florida24XX (verbal) X (written)  
Idaho (total ban)24 X (written) X (written)   
Indiana (total ban)18XX XX 
Iowa24XX (verbal)    
Kentucky (total ban)24XX (verbal) X  
Louisiana (total ban)72XXX (written, signage)XX 
Mississippi (total ban)24X  X  
Nebraska24 X (written) X  
North Carolina72XX (written)X   
North Dakota24 X (written)XX X (verbal)
Ohio  X X  
Oklahoma (total ban)72 X (written)  XX (verbal if >20 weeks, written) X (written)
Pennsylvania24 XX (written)X  
South Carolina24 X X  
South Dakota (total ban)72X†  X 
Tennessee (total ban)48XX (verbal)X (verbal, signage)X  
Texas (total ban)24X*** 
Utah72XXX (written)XX 
West Virginia (total ban)24 X (written) X  
Wisconsin24 (2 if reported incest)XXXX  
TOTAL (25)2314 21112243

Notes: Table includes only those jurisdictions with policies relevant to this topic in effect. Fetus considered a person topic refers to statutes that include the text: “Abortion shall terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being.” States with total abortion bans are labeled; counseling and waiting period provisions in those states are technically in effect but are enforceable only when an abortion is allowed under an exception to the total ban. For accuracy, the table generally reflects the wording of state statutes.

*Counseling on this topic is not statutorily required but information, and misinformation, is nonetheless included in the state’s written materials. 

†South Dakota requires pregnant people to visit an anti-abortion center, referred to as a pregnancy help center, for counseling in addition to the clinic-based counseling mandated before receiving abortion care.


Table 2. Counseling Topics and Waiting Period Requirements for Abortion (cont.)

JurisdictionMisinformation on medication abortionAbortion risksPregnancy / childbirth risksAlternatives, assistance and paternal supportBasis for waiver or exemption
Alabama (total ban) XX (written)Xmedical emergency
Alaska XX (written)X (written)medical emergency, sexual assault, sexual abuse of a minor, incest
ArizonaX (written)XXXmedical emergency
Arkansas (total ban)XXX (verbal)X (paternal waived in cases of rape or incest)medical emergency
Florida X (verbal)X (verbal) alternatives and assistance (written)life endangerment
Georgia X (verbal)X (verbal)assistance and paternal (verbal); assistance and adoption (written)*medical emergency†
Idaho (total ban)X (written)X (written)*alternatives and assistance (written)medical emergency
Indiana (total ban) XXX (paternal waived in cases of rape)medical emergency†
Iowa X alternatives (verbal), alternatives and assistance (written)medical emergency†
Kentucky (total ban)XX (verbal)X (verbal)medical emergency
Louisiana (total ban)X (written)X (verbal, written*)X (verbal, website)X (paternal waived in cases of rape)medical emergency
Mississippi (total ban) XXXmedical emergency
NebraskaXXXassistance and paternal support (verbal), assistance (written)medical emergency
North Carolina XXall three (verbal), alternatives and assistance (written)medical emergency†
North Dakota XXXmedical emergency
Ohio X (verbal)X (verbal)X (written)medical emergency
Oklahoma (total ban) XXXmedical emergency†
Pennsylvania XXXmedical emergency
South Carolina XX (written)X (written)medical emergency
South Dakota (total ban)XX (verbal)Xassistance and paternal support (verbal), all three (written)medical emergency
Tennessee (total ban) X (verbal)X (verbal)assistance (verbal)medical emergency
Texas (total ban) XXXmedical emergency
UtahXXXX (written)medical emergency, lethal fetal anomaly, rape, incest, people under 14
West Virginia (total ban)XXXall three (verbal), assistance (written)medical emergency†
Wisconsin XXXmedical emergency, reported sexual assault
TOTAL (25)925232525

Notes: Table includes only those jurisdictions with policies relevant to this topic in effect. Alternatives, assistance and paternal support topic refers to mandated provision of information on alternatives to abortion (e.g., adoption, practical support for those choosing to give birth), information about state or private resources for parenting and pregnant people, and information about how fathers are required to provide material support for their children under state law. States with total abortion bans are labeled; counseling and waiting period provisions in those states are technically in effect but are enforceable only when an abortion is allowed under an exception to the total ban. For accuracy, the table generally reflects the wording of state statutes.

*Counseling on this topic is not statutorily required but information, and misinformation, is nonetheless included in the state’s written materials.

†Medical emergency exception does not include mental or emotional conditions or self-harm. Iowa does not include psychological, emotional or familial conditions or age.

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