Lisa Remez has worked at the Institute for several decades in various roles. She has been Senior Writer and Translation Associate since 2021. Before joining the Institute most recently as staff, she consulted for the Research Division, writing monographs, In Briefs, Guttmacher papers and other research products. She has published research on abortion legality and on adolescents in Central America, and she coedited a review on abortion estimation methodologies. Prior to consulting for the Institute exclusively, Ms. Remez edited and translated for colleague organizations, including the Center for Reproductive Rights, EngenderHealth and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Prior to her consulting work, she was an Associate Editor on the Institute’s journals. One of Ms. Remez’s journal articles, "Oral sex among adolescents: Is it sex or is it abstinence?" has been included in sex education anthologies and course syllabi. She has a BA in history from Vassar College and an MA in translation from The Graduate Center, City University of New York.
Senior Writer and Translation Associate
Lisa Remez