The Guttmacher Institute honors the memory of Robin Chandler Duke, Board Member Emerita

Robin Chandler DukeThe Board of Directors and staff of the Guttmacher Institute mourn the loss of our Board member emerita Robin Chandler Duke, who passed away on February 6 at age 92. Ms. Duke was an active member of Guttmacher’s Board from 1981 to 2007. We remember her as a vibrant force in the reproductive rights movement and a special presence in our organization.

Ms. Duke’s diverse career path included time spent as a journalist, stockbroker, United Nations delegate and ambassador—all remarkable roles for women of her time. She cultivated personal relationships with many political leaders, and she excelled at using her connections to put reproductive rights on the national and international agenda. In addition to her Board service at Guttmacher, Ms. Duke served as president of NARAL Pro-Choice America, was a founder of United Nations Fund for Population Activities, and was national chair of Population Action International for about 25 years. The Guttmacher Institute commemorates Robin Chandler Duke and her extraordinary life’s work. We are honored to have had this outstanding woman as part of the Guttmacher community.

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