Burkinabe Women Experience High Rates of Unintended Pregnancy

New Report Documents Benefits of Increased Investment in Family Planning in Burkina Faso

New York: Jessica Malter
Tel: +1 646.315.2216

Burkina Faso: Ouédraogo Boureihiman
Association Burkinabé pour le Bien-Etre Familial
Mobile: +226
Tel: +226

Monday, December 5, 2011

Low levels of modern contraceptive use and high rates of unintended pregnancy are taking a toll on Burkinabe women, their families and the national health care system. A new report, Benefits of Meeting Women’s Contraceptive Needs in Burkina Faso, released today by the Guttmacher Institute and the Institut de Recherches en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), documents the current state of family planning in the country and the considerable health and financial benefits that would result from increased investment in contraceptive services.

Today, a high proportion of Burkinabe women who want to avoid pregnancy—64%—have an unmet need for modern contraception; that is, they want to avoid pregnancy, but either do not practice contraception or use relatively ineffective traditional methods. Approximately 70% of these women want to postpone a birth for at least two years, while 29% want no more children.

According to the new report, roughly one-third of all pregnancies in Burkina Faso are unintended, which contribute to the country’s high rates of maternal mortality and ill-health: Approximately 3,600 women die every year from maternal causes; nearly 25% of them had not intended to be pregnant. Furthermore, 87,000 Burkinabe women who experience unintended pregnancies have abortions every year, and approximately 43% of them suffer complications serious enough to require facility-based care.

The new analysis shows that if the need for modern contraceptive methods were fully met, the results would be dramatic: There would be nearly 232,000 fewer unintended pregnancies than currently occur, which would reduce unplanned births and unsafe abortions by 85–87%. Furthermore, maternal deaths would drop by 700 per year.

Meeting just half of Burkinabe’s women's unmet need for modern contraceptives—that is, providing modern methods to 50% of the women who wish to avoid a pregnancy but currently use no method or use an ineffective method—would also result in significant health benefits. There would be nearly 116,000 fewer unintended pregnancies—a 46% decline from current levels—which would mean 63,000 fewer unplanned births, 37,000 fewer induced abortions and 350 fewer maternal deaths than currently occur.

Meeting women's need for modern contraceptives and reducing unintended pregnancies also saves money, most immediately by reducing spending on maternal and newborn health costs. Meeting half of the need for modern contraceptives would result in net savings of US$18 million (FCFA 8.6 billion), while fulfilling all unmet need would generate a net savings of $32 million (FCFA 15 billion).

"Ensuring that Burkinabe women have full access to family planning services allows them to make the best decisions for themselves and their families. It improves their health, their productivity and their ability to care for their families," said Dr. Danielle Yugbaré/Belemsaga of the IRRS and coauthor of the report. "It also makes perfect economic sense, in that the money saved by averting unintended pregnancies can be reallocated to other critical areas and ultimately accelerates Burkina Faso’s ability to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Funding for family planning programs is not a cost, it is an investment. One that can truly transform the future of the nation"

The full report and a detailed appendix are available at www.guttmacher.org. The high rate of return on investments in contraceptive services documented in "Benefits of Meeting the Contraceptive Needs in Burkina Faso" echoes findings from similar analysis conducted by the Guttmacher Institute and partners in Uganda, Ethiopia and the Philippines and builds on a growing body of cost-benefit research conducted by the Institute.

Click on the links below for additional information, available in both English and French.

Research Brief:
English: Benefits of Meeting Women’s Contraceptive Needs in Burkina Faso
French: Avantages liés à la satisfaction des besoins en matière de contraception moderne au Burkina Faso

Source URL: https://www.guttmacher.org/news-release/2011/burkinabe-women-experience-high-rates-unintended-pregnancy