The use of traditional methods has risen sharply in Honduras, from 19% of all contraceptive use in 1987 to 26% of prevalence in 1991-1992. A multivariate analysis of data from two national probability sample surveys shows that contraceptive users interviewed in 1991-1992 were significantly more likely to use rhythm than were those interviewed in 1987; reliance on withdrawal was not significantly different between survey years. The following factors all significantly raised the probability that a woman would select rhythm over modern methods-being 40-44 years old, having 0-2 living children, being legally married, living in a rural area, needing to travel more than one hour to a health facility, wanting more children and recently hearing a family planning message over the radio. Those factors that significantly predicted the choice of withdrawal over modern methods included four of the same variables-marriage, residence, travel time and 0-2 living children-plus being younger than 25, having fewer years of education and having eight or more children.
(International Family Planning Perspectives, 22:163-168, 1996)